Title: 1,270 Film Theaters in Japan; Increase 40 Yearly Since '96
Author: N.A.
Source: "Motion Picture Herald", Vol. 103 No 1, April 4, 1931, p. 64
piątek, 19 grudnia 2014
czwartek, 18 grudnia 2014
[1922] Japanese Film Actor. Threats from Countrymen
Title: American Films. The Japanese Boycott. Breaking Down in Tokyo
Author: N.A.
Source: "The New Zealand Herald", Monday, July 3, 1922, p.7
Author: N.A.
Source: "The New Zealand Herald", Monday, July 3, 1922, p.7
[1924] American Films. The Japanese Boycott. Breaking Down in Tokyo.
Title: American Films. The Japanese Boycott. Breaking Down in Tokyo
Author: N.A.
Source: "Northen Advocate", Tuesday, June 17, 1924, p.7
Author: N.A.
Source: "Northen Advocate", Tuesday, June 17, 1924, p.7
[1924] Japanese Hysteria Becomes Less Virulent. American Films Boycott.
Title: Japanese Hysteria Becomes Less Virulent. American Films Boycott.
Author: N.A.
Source: "Northen Advocate", Monday, June 16, 1924, p.7
Author: N.A.
Source: "Northen Advocate", Monday, June 16, 1924, p.7
[1924] Anti-American. Exclusion Resented. Feeling in Japan
Title: Anti-American. Exclusion Resented. Feeling in Japan
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Hawera and Normanby Star", Monday, June 16, 1924, p.7
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Hawera and Normanby Star", Monday, June 16, 1924, p.7
[1924] Japanese Reaction. Boycott of American Films
Title: Japanese Reaction. Boycott of American Films
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Evening Post", Monday, June 16, 1924, p.7
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Evening Post", Monday, June 16, 1924, p.7
[1924] Japanese Still Angry. Exclusion from America. More Restraint Shown. Retaliation in Theatres
Title: Japanese Still Angry. Exclusion from America. More Restraint Shown. Retaliation in Theatres
Author: N.A.
Source: "The New Zealand Herald", Tuesday, June 17, 1924, p.7
Author: N.A.
Source: "The New Zealand Herald", Tuesday, June 17, 1924, p.7
[1924] Japan and America. Film Boycott Ending. Theatres Well Patronised
Title: Japan and America. Film Boycott Ending. Theatres Well Patronised
Author: N.A.
Source: "The New Zealand Herald", Friday, July 11, 1924, p.9
Author: N.A.
Source: "The New Zealand Herald", Friday, July 11, 1924, p.9
wtorek, 16 grudnia 2014
czwartek, 11 grudnia 2014
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