Title: Japan Prefers Slap Stick
Author: N.A.
Source: "Exhibitor's Trade Review", August 30, 1924, p. 30.
wtorek, 12 lipca 2016
[1924] Japanese Exhibitors Fight Dishonesty
Title: Japanese Exhibitors Fight Dishonesty
Author: N.A.
Source: "Exhibitor's Trade Review", June 21, 1924, p. 20.
Author: N.A.
Source: "Exhibitor's Trade Review", June 21, 1924, p. 20.
[1924] Japanese Boycott U.S. Films as Result of Exclusion Act
Title: Japanese Boycott U.S. Films as Result of Exclusion Act
Author: N.A.
Source: "Exhibitor's Trade Review", June 21, 1924, p. 19.
Author: N.A.
Source: "Exhibitor's Trade Review", June 21, 1924, p. 19.
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