Title: Silent Drama in Japan
Author: L. G. Blochman
Source: "Screenland", January, 1922, p. 13, 56, 60.
wtorek, 19 lutego 2019
niedziela, 17 lutego 2019
[1929] Japanese Producer Plans to Make Films in Berlin
Title: Japanese Producer Plans to Make Films in Berlin
Author: James P. Cunningham
Source: "The Film Daily", May 26, 1929, p. 3.
Author: James P. Cunningham
Source: "The Film Daily", May 26, 1929, p. 3.
[1929] Japan Produced 800 Features During 1928
Title: Japan Produced 800 Features During 1928
Author: James P. Cunningham
Source: "The Film Daily", March 31, 1929, p. 32.
Author: James P. Cunningham
Source: "The Film Daily", March 31, 1929, p. 32.
[1929] Japan Company Formed to Market Foreign Films
Title: Japan Company Formed to Market Foreign Films
Author: James P. Cunningham
Source: "The Film Daily", February 10, 1929, p. 17.
Author: James P. Cunningham
Source: "The Film Daily", February 10, 1929, p. 17.
sobota, 16 lutego 2019
czwartek, 14 lutego 2019
A Japanese Production
Title: A Japanese Production
Author: Mordaunt Hall
Source: "The New York Times", March 12, 1929, p. 26.
Author: Mordaunt Hall
Source: "The New York Times", March 12, 1929, p. 26.
[1930] Only 30 Japanese Houses Wired
Title: Only 30 Japanese Houses Wired
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Film Daily", December 2, 1930, p. 1, 8.
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Film Daily", December 2, 1930, p. 1, 8.
[1930] Sees Big Field in Japan For American Talkers
Title: Sees Big Field in Japan For American Talkers
Author: George Reddy
Source: "The Film Daily", October 30, 1930, p. 1, 11.
Author: George Reddy
Source: "The Film Daily", October 30, 1930, p. 1, 11.
[1930] Japanese Industry Capitalized at $125,000,000
Title: Japanese Industry Capitalized at $125,000,000
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Film Daily", October 22, 1930, p. 8.
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Film Daily", October 22, 1930, p. 8.
[1930] See Growing Market in Japanese Field
Title: See Growing Market in Japanese Field
Author: George Reddy
Source: "The Film Daily", October 12, 1930, p. 12.
Author: George Reddy
Source: "The Film Daily", October 12, 1930, p. 12.
środa, 13 lutego 2019
wtorek, 12 lutego 2019
[1933] Close-Ups and Long-Shots
Title: Close-Ups and Long-Shots
Author: Kathryn Dougherty
Source: "Photoplay", February, 1933, p. 26.
Author: Kathryn Dougherty
Source: "Photoplay", February, 1933, p. 26.
piątek, 8 lutego 2019
[1930] Let’s Drop In and Gossip With Old Cal York
Title: Let’s Drop In and Gossip With Old Cal York
Author: Cal York
Source: "Photoplay", August, 1930, p. 92.
Author: Cal York
Source: "Photoplay", August, 1930, p. 92.
[1930] News! ~ Views! ~ Gossip! ~ of Stars and Studios
Title: News! ~ Views! ~ Gossip! ~ of Stars and Studios
Author: Cal York
Source: "Photoplay", April, 1930, p. 76.
Author: Cal York
Source: "Photoplay", April, 1930, p. 76.
czwartek, 7 lutego 2019
środa, 6 lutego 2019
wtorek, 5 lutego 2019
[1916] Check Your Shoes, Sir?
Title: Check Your Shoes, Sir?
Author: Jefferson Jones
Source: "Photoplay", September, 1917, p. 35-38.
Author: Jefferson Jones
Source: "Photoplay", September, 1917, p. 35-38.
[1915] Going to Movies in Japan
Title: Going to Movies in Japan
Author: George Vaux Bacon
Source: "Photoplay", April, 1915, p.151-153.
Author: George Vaux Bacon
Source: "Photoplay", April, 1915, p.151-153.
poniedziałek, 4 lutego 2019
[1937] Review of Reviews
Title: Review of Reviews
Author: H. E. Blyth (ed.)
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", October 1937, p. 25.
Author: H. E. Blyth (ed.)
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", October 1937, p. 25.
[1937] People of the Studios
Title: People of the Studios
Author: N.A.
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", August 1937, p. 17.
Author: N.A.
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", August 1937, p. 17.
[1937] The Japanese Benchi
Title: The Japanese Benchi
Author: Oswald M. Wynd
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", August 1937, p. 17.
Author: Oswald M. Wynd
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", August 1937, p. 17.
[1937] Review of Reviews
Title: Review of Reviews
Author: H. E. Blyth (ed.)
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", June 1937, p. 22.
Author: H. E. Blyth (ed.)
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", June 1937, p. 22.
[1937] People of the Studios
Title: People of the Studios
Author: N.A.
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", June 1937, p. 11.
Author: N.A.
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", June 1937, p. 11.
niedziela, 3 lutego 2019
[1937] The Work - and the Worries - of the London Film Society
Title: Tragedy is Box Office in Japan's Hollywood
Author: M.A.T.
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", April 1937, p. 43.
Author: M.A.T.
Source: "World Film News and Television Progress", April 1937, p. 43.
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