Title: Film Crime Repeated in Life
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Hawera and Normanby Star", Wednesday, October 13, 1920, p. 3
piątek, 11 kwietnia 2014
[1939] Japan's Worry. Censoring Films. Requests from Nations
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Auckland Star", Wednesday, April 19 1939, p. 6
[1922] Japan's Craze for Moving Pictures
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Evening Post", Saturday, March 25, 1922, p. 14
[1929] Japanese Movies. A Growing Business
Title: Japanese Movies. A Growing Business
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Evening Post", Saturday, Februay 16, 1929, p. 21
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Evening Post", Saturday, Februay 16, 1929, p. 21
wtorek, 8 kwietnia 2014
[1916] Movie Matters (excerpt)
Title: Movie Matters (excerpt)
Author: N.A.
Source: "Ashland Tidings", Monday, December 11, 1916, p. 6
Author: N.A.
Source: "Ashland Tidings", Monday, December 11, 1916, p. 6
[1919] Removed 2,350 Kisses. Japan's Censors Obliterate Osculation
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Poverty Bay Herald", Saturday, September 13, 1919, p. 10
niedziela, 6 kwietnia 2014
[1911] Manufacture of Celluloid in Japan
Title: Manufacture of Celluloid in Japan
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Nickelodeon", Vol. V, No 4, January 28, 1911, p.102
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Nickelodeon", Vol. V, No 4, January 28, 1911, p.102
[1911] Orientals Like Pictures
Title: Orientals Like Pictures
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Nickelodeon", Vol. V, No 4, January 28, 1911, p.102
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Nickelodeon", Vol. V, No 4, January 28, 1911, p.102
[1910] Superiority of American Films
Title: Superiority of American Films
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Nickelodeon", Vol. IV, No 7, October 1, 1910, p. 184
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Nickelodeon", Vol. IV, No 7, October 1, 1910, p. 184
[1919] Japanese Film Censors Kill Thousands of Kisses
Title: Japanese Film Censors Kill Thousands of Kisses
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Polk Country News", September 19, 1919, p. 2
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Polk Country News", September 19, 1919, p. 2
[1919] Kissing Censored
Title: Kissing Censored
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Bisbee Daily Review", Thursday, October 30, 1919, p. 4
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Bisbee Daily Review", Thursday, October 30, 1919, p. 4
[1922] Bogus American Films are Located in Japan
Title: Bogus American Films are Located in Japan
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Washington Times", Monday, May 1, 1922, p. 15
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Washington Times", Monday, May 1, 1922, p. 15
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