niedziela, 6 kwietnia 2014

[1911] Orientals Like Pictures

Title: Orientals Like Pictures
Author: N.A.
Source: "The Nickelodeon", Vol. V, No 4, January 28, 1911, p.102


You can see moving picture shows in China, Japan and Malaysia just as you can see them in the United States and Europe, according to S. Morton Cohn, who returned to Portland, Ore., recently, after a six months' trip through the orient.
Mr. Cohn was naturally interested in the moving picture houses in oriental countries. There is scarcely a city of any size but has them, he says, and as a rule they are well patronized, though poorly arranged for ventilation and comfort. The films used are the regular films to be seen in the United States and the pictures are usually the same seen here. The Chinese seem to take as much pleasure in viewing the antics of Americans and Europeans as seen by means of the moving pictures as do the people of any other land.

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